In this article, we discuss a handful of reasons why you should release your music on Bandcamp before you release it on streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.
The first reason is that you are delivering to the most valuable player first.
The real music fan.
Not just the passive music consumer.
Also, releasing on Bandcamp first allows you to focus on promoting that one link before the streaming release.
Did you know that you can add non-music content to an album release on Bandcamp?
This could include exclusive video content, liner notes, or pretty much anything you could put together in Photoshop or Canva.
You can even list merch specific to a release!
Did you know that when someone follows you on Bandcamp that they can opt-in to your mailing list at the same time?
This allows you to connect with your fans directly. You can take that audience and nurture them with email marketing.
At the time of writing this article, fans have paid artists $895 million using Bandcamp, and $205 million in the last year.
Bandcamp is a vibrant community of music loves and buyers. So going in with Bandcamp first allows you to sell copies of your premium release before it goes out on streaming platforms.
You can list CDs, tapes, and Vinyls, thus catering to those who love to collect music.
Bandcamp + Streaming Album Release Strategy
The BEST way to set up your Bandcamp Page
Bandcamp’s Official Artist Guide
Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash
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