Understanding The Piano Keys & Notes

Understanding The Piano Keys & Notes

You want to learn the piano, but you’re not quite sure where to start. Well, look no further! This article will give you all of the information you need in order to get started on your journey in learning how to play the piano.

First things first – what are the piano keys? The black and white squares that make up a piano keyboard are known as keys. The white keys on a piano are those that make up the major scales – do, re, mi, fa, so, la ti and do. The black keys between each of these notes (known as sharps and flats) represent half-steps or whole-steps.

Whilst it may seem daunting at first, learning to play the piano is very achievable.

The Notes of A Piano Keyboard

To notate the notes on a piano keyboard (in conventional music notation) it uses the same method as most other instruments – lines and spaces (treble and bass clefs). These vertical lines represent the lines on a keyboard, and the spaces between them are the notes.

It is important to remember that sharps and flats affect only the note they fall before – so if you have two black keys beside each other, it would be fine to play the straight note (the white key) before it, but playing this same black key would be incorrect.

The Order Of The Notes On A Piano Keyboard

The order of the notes from A to G is: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. The next major scale would start with a note known as ‘A’ again – but an octave higher this time (meaning it will have 8 notes altogether). Next again would be another ‘A’, then ‘B’ and the pattern continues.

Playing The Piano – Beginning Tips

Learning how to play the piano can seem intimidating at first, but with a little practice, it is achievable. One of the most important things when learning to play the piano is to have a good practice schedule that you stick to. By practising often, your mind will become familiar with the patterns and keys of a keyboard that will help you when you begin to play actual pieces. Having a good piano that is in tune and with weighted piano keys can also be very beneficial, so if this isn’t an option for your right now it is worth considering investing in one.

Once you have the hang of playing the piano with one hand, it is time to start learning how to use both. Once again, you will need a good practice schedule in order to get accustomed to this new skill set.

Making Music – Playing With Other Musicians

playing with other musicians can be empowering and is a wonderful way to increase your skillset. Learning how to read music or chord sheets can seem daunting at first, but just remember that it took many hours of practice in order a master this new skill!

Most professionals who play the piano as their main instrument have been playing for years, so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get it right the first few times!

The Piano – A Great Investment

Investing in a good quality piano is worth considering if you are passionate about this instrument. When you purchase an electric keyboard, it does not have weighted keys and therefore will never be able to replicate the feel of playing on a real piano. If possible, it is always worth investing in a good quality instrument that will last you for years, to come.

Once you have established yourself on the piano keyboard and feel confident to play simple melodies or songs, it may be time to invest in some music sheets. Whether you choose to buy them pre-written (these are often referred to as ‘fake books’) or write your own, having music to work from will help you learn new pieces and increase your skillset.

When it comes to playing the piano, practice makes perfect. Remember – nobody was born an expert so don’t be disheartened if you need a few goes in order to get things right! The more you play and practice, the better you will become.

If you are interested in learning to play the piano, why not try playing simple songs or melodies that are written for beginners? Just have a google and see what people recommend or watch some YouTube videos to see how they are played.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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