Podcasting to promote your music

Podcasting to promote your music

Podcasts are blowing up right now.

And it’s of no surprise really!

It’s like having radio without all the layers of production and it’s available on-demand.

And it’s such a diverse medium.

There are podcasts that are 5 mins long that deliver bite-sized bits of info.

And there are others that are like being a fly-on-the-wall in a 4-hour long chat.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is like a pre-recorded radio show that lives on the internet.

What’s the benefit?

Podcasts are consumed passively.

It’s where you can connect with an audience when they are on the go, in their car, on their walk, whenever, wherever.

It’s also a great platform for building your brand, as you can tell your story, and promote your music.

How to get on podcasts

Podcasts are mostly interview-based.

This means many podcasters in your field are looking for new guests.

Find these people on social media and form relationships with them.

Start at people around your level, so that you can both cross-pollinate audiences.

How to start a podcast

Round up your friends, invest in a decent mic, and get going.

You can use a service like Anchor.fm to upload and push your podcast to the major podcasting platforms.

My favourite strategy is to reach out to your music friends and invite them to guest on your show.

That way you are inherently promoting each other!

Further Reading

How to promote your album with a podcast — DIY Musician Blog

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