Songcards Product Update January ‘24

Songcards Product Update January ‘24

Kicking off the new year with a handful of new features.


The Songcards Leaderboard is where we list our top collectors with links to their collector’s pages.

Check out The Leaderboard

Updates to Songcards Create

Muscians can now upload a wav when creating Songcards. Our servers then create an MP3 version for streaming on the site, but collectors will get access to the full quality file.

Create Songcards

Songcards Socials

We now have it set up so that a couple times per day, a random Songcard is fetched from our server and then put into a queue to be rolled out onto our social media platforms. In most cases, the artist’s social media handle is tagged, prompting them to share the post on.

That’s all for now! As always, the best place to keep up to date is the Discord Server.

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